Definition of Social and Cultural Interaction

Definition of Social and Cultural Interaction
The Most Complete Definition of Social and Cultural Interaction According to Experts and Examples
Humans are never separated from social activities and cultural activities because humans can not live individually. What is social interaction? and what is culture?
below is the understanding of complete social and cultural interaction and examples.

Definition of Social Interaction According to Experts
According to Macionis
According to experts named Macionis that Social Interaction is an action and reaction (Reply to action) that someone does in communicating with others.

According to Broom and Selznic
Then experts named Broom and Selznic also stated that Social Interaction means a process of action that is based on the awareness of the presence of others, or in other words, the process of adjusting actions (responses) in accordance with the actions of others.

According to Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack
He explained that Social Interaction is a dynamically established social relationship that is still related to relationships between individuals or with groups, or between groups with other groups.

According to Soerjono Soekanto
He argues that Social Interaction is where the process of communication is seen in terms of individuals with social groups meeting each other then determining the system and social relations.

According to Gilin
Gilin revealed that Social Interaction is a variety of social relationships that are dynamically related to relationships between individuals or groups against other groups.

According to Homans
Homans explains about Social Interaction is a condition where the activities carried out by someone against other individuals who are given a reward or a punishment by using an action against his partner.

Understanding Social Interaction According to Astrid. S. Susanti
He also revealed that Social Interaction is a human relationship with other human beings so as to create a permanent relationship and then in the end the social structure is formed. From the results of these interactions depend on the Value and meaning and interpretation obtained from other parties who are still involved from the Interaction.

Understanding Social Interaction According to Bonner
Social Interaction, namely a relationship to 2 or more individuals who influence, change or improve the attitude of other individuals or vice versa.

Understanding Social Interaction According to Dr. Gerungan
Interaction is a relationship between two or more individuals where the usefulness of one individual can influence, improve or change the nature of another individual or vice versa.

Three types of individual environmental relationships (Woodworth)
Individuals conflict with the environment.
If the individual feels himself in conflict with his environment.
Example: individuals come from urban areas in the absence of social norms and values that are familial and conflicting with rural communities.

Individuals make use of the environment.
If individuals feel they can provide benefits for their environment and for their development.
Example: A doctor who has a job in a place where the community is very dynamic and very well organized also has a good community service program, so that the doctor can run the MCH program according to the local situation.
Individuals participate in environmental activities. When he feels mafaat for the environment and himself.

Characteristics of Social Interaction
1. The number of perpetrators is more than one person
2. The occurrence of communication between the perpetrators through social contact
3. Having a clear purpose or goal
4. Implemented through a certain social system pattern

Conditions for Social Interaction
Social contact
A relationship between one party and another party is also the beginning of social relations and each party reacts with each other even though they do not have to touch in physical form.

Hang out or connect with others verbally or in writing alternately.

Cultural Definition
The word culture itself comes from the Sanskrit "budhayyah" which means reason or mind, or anything that has a relationship with mind or reason. According to EB Taylor, culture is a group that encompasses art, knowledge, culture, customs, morals, habits and abilities obtained by humans as a group of people.
Cultural Anthropology is from all systems of ideas, actions, and results of human work in social life. According to Selo Sumarjan and Soelaiman Sumarjan culture is all works, tastes, inventions of human results.

Cultural Elements
Melville JH
Technological tools
Economic system
Political domination

Abstract nature (IDEAS)
Cannot be touched in the minds of the citizens of the community where the residents live.

Patterned actions (ACTIVITIES)
Patterned actions of their own human beings, human activities at all times, interacting with each other, having relationships, having a pattern of association in accordance with customary rules of conduct.

Artwork (ARTIFACT)
Does not require too much explanation because all the results of activities (physical), work, human actions in nature and society (can be touched and seen)

Cultural Function
The needs of the community are largely dominated by culture that is dotted in the community itself. Influence of Individuals by culture: Individuals cannot live alone but associate with others and need others, and create mutual influence.