Saving and Loan Cooperative

Saving and Loan Cooperative
Cooperative is a form of legal entity that has long been known in Indonesia. The pioneer in the development of cooperatives in Indonesia is Bung Hatta, and to date he is very well known as the father of Indonesian Cooperatives.
The cooperative is a collection of people who have common goals or interests. So surgery is the formation of a group of people who have a common goal. In general, the sources of cooperative funds are compulsory contributions, principal contributions, and voluntary contributions.

Insurance company
In Indonesia, the definition of guarantee according to law Number 1 of 1992 concerning Insurance Business is as follows:
Insurance or coverage is an agreement between two or more parties, with the insurer binding itself to the insured, by receiving insurance premiums, to provide compensation to the insured due to loss, damage or loss of expected profits, or legal liability to a third party that might suffer the insured, which arises from an uncertain event, or to provide a payment based on the death or life of an insured person.

Accounts receivable factoring company whose main activity is engaged in collecting receivables. Factoring companies can take over management of receivables either by managing or by purchasing and can also manage the administration of a company's receivables.
Understanding factoring companies or better known by the name of factoring is a company whose activities are to collect and purchase, or take over or management of a company's debt and debts with certain company benefits or payments.

Venture Capital
Venture capital companies that dare to make investments where the investment contains a high risk. This decision was made with a variety of considerations, of course, and this was in accordance with the intent and purpose of establishing a venture capital company, which was to invest in a business that contained high risks.
Even though the risks faced are high, the venture capital side expects a high return from capital investment in the form of capital gains or dividends. Companies that finance venture capital are called Business Partner Companies (PPU) or investee companies.

Pension fund
Understanding pension fund companies in general can be said to be a company that collects funds from employees of a company and provides income to pension participants in accordance with the agreement.
Whereas according to Law number 11 of 1992 the Pension Fund is a legal entity that manages and runs programs that promise pension benefits. Thus it is clear that those who manage pension funds are companies that have legal entities such as commercial banks or life insurance.
The definition of retirement is the right of a person to earn income after working for many years and has entered retirement age or there are other reasons in accordance with the agreed agreement.

Plastic Card (Credit Card)
Plastic cards or better known as credit cards or plastic money that can replace the function of money as a means of payment. Besides that, this plastic card can also be used for various purposes so that its use becomes multi-functional.
Plastic cards are cards issued by banks or non-bank institutions. This plastic card is given to customers to be used as a means of payment in various places that use ATMs (automated teller machines) such as shopping centers, entertainment and offices.
The use of plastic cards in Indonesia is still relatively new, around the eighties. The issuance of the Minister of Finance Decree No. 1251 / KMK.013 / 1988 December 20th has changed the map of the distribution of plastic cards more widely. Based on the decree, the plastic card business is classified as a financing services business group