The Role of Education for Human Life

The Role of Education for Human Life
Definition of Education
Education is an attempt by an adult towards other parties who are not yet mature to reach maturity. With the intention of education is a way in which more focused relationships on the relationship between students and educators. Participants are interpreted as adults who are not adults, and educators are interpreted as more mature people. Thus education cannot stand without these two aspects.
With the aim and understanding of education in accordance with the two things above, it can be interpreted that education has a very large function and role, both for oneself, the environment, society, nation, religion, as explained below:
Realizing Individuals who are Ta'at and devoted to God
Based on the Indonesian state which is in the first precept of Pancasila, which is almighty divinity, education has a role in creating obedient individuals in religion and devotion to God Almighty with the aim of carrying out all His commands and knowing all His prohibitions.

Realizing Individuals who are ethical and moral
In the second precept in Pancasila, the important role of education in our country Indonesia is as a form of individuals and communities who have self-control, moral, responsibility, and have good morals.

Printing Smart and Creative Young Generation
Education has a role in educating the younger generation, not only that but must be able to develop the potential in each individual. Without an educator, the generation withers away and is weak.

Develop a Critical and Dynamic Mindset
Education is also not only to produce young people who excel, but to develop a dynamic and critical mindset, so they can determine what is better and what is bad based on conscience and reason.

Establish a Healthy Personality Physical and Spiritual
Education is also not spared from real effort as a form of individuals who have a healthy personality, both spiritual and jasmami. Thus, education teaches that individuals can take care of their mental and mental health. and liver health of a despicable nature.

Creating Individuals Who Are Able To Socialize Well In Society
Education as the main basis for socializing, that is, homosexual humans, meaning beings who cannot live without the participation and role of others. Education also has a role as an individual creator who can socialize well in society.

Creating a Unified Society
By virtue of the third precepts on Pancasila and Bhenika Tunggal Ika, education moves the collar of each individual to unite with each other regardless of religion, type, ethnicity, social status, descent and tradition.

Realizing Individuals Who Love and Care About the Environment
The environment is also needed in life, because if the environment is friendly it can affect the peace in communicating the environment. For this reason, in every educational process that is always taught to students to be able to love and care for the environment around them.

Creating a Peaceful and Happy Society
Education also has a role as a creator of a peaceful, happy and peaceful atmosphere of the community, where each individual in the community understands and understands, tolerates each other, respects and respects each other, and loves one another with love for the formation of a strong moral foundation.